88 Scientific Contributions in the Sixth Annual Conference on Theories and Applications of basic and Biological Sciences

Start Date: 2022-09-04
End Date: 2022-09-05
Time: 10:00:00

88 مشاركة علمية خلال المؤتمر السنوي السادس حول نظريات وتطبيقات العلوم الأساسية والحيوية.

In a unique scientific environment at the Faculty of Science, the “Sixth Annual Conference on Theories and Applications of Basic and Biological Sciences” activities were launched on September 4, 2022. The conference was opened by the Chairman of the Preparatory Committee Dr. Fatima Zagout, Dean of the Faculty of Science Dr. Muhammed Al-Bagirmi, and the President of Misurata University Dr. Muhammad Al-Danfour, followed by speeches of the supporting companies. Afterwards, scientific presentations started. The first contribution was a lecture by Professor Muhammad Al-Qamati, from the British University of York, entitled “Electronic Microscope: Use and Development”. Then it was followed by the presentation of papers and posters by researchers from various universities and research centers.