The Office of Quality Assurance and Performance Evaluation represents the solid foundation of a comprehensive and specific strategy with clear programs and objectives that seek to develop and improve the academic and professional performance of the university; in the areas of teaching, learning and scientific research, and the consolidation of the principles of internal auditing, development and continuous improvement, based on the message and goals of the university and the accreditation standards in particular. Furthermore, the office endeavors to activate the role of the university in serving the society and achieving the goals of comprehensive and continuous development, as well as deepening the scientific and humanitarian relations between the university and related institutions at the local and international levels.


The office's vision is a real translation of the requirements of the scientific progress and development. Besides, it is a basic frame of reference in the application of quality standards and performance evaluation in programs and systems of education. The efficiency of the outputs and educational performance within the university to activate and support its competitiveness at the local and global levels are also taken into account.


Continuous improvement at the academic and administrative levels through self-assessment and errors' correction in order to reach the goals.


The Office works to achieve a number of goals:
1. Follow-up and implementation of public policies to evaluate the performance and quality assurance of all academic and administrative units and to make sure of understanding all the goals of this policy and its conviction and enthusiasm.
2. Reviewing and updating the university's strategy, mission and basic purpose in the light of developing and modernizing university education.

3. Assisting the faculties of the university to establish the quality assurance and performance evaluation units, and supervise these units technically. It also provides
guidance and advice on conducting internal audit studies and preparation for accreditation.
4. Preparing and planning of the follow-up systems, examination and internal audit of the activities of the university and its faculties, departments and the various academic and administrative programs along with following-up its implementation.

5. Conducting field visits to the different faculties of the university to follow up on the quality.
6. Compiling the results of the internal audit studies, analyzing the negative and positive prospects, and presenting suggestions for improving the performance of the different units in the university as an essential step to obtain accreditation that enhances the quality of education at the university.
7. Linking the office with the corresponding offices in other educational institutions, in order to increase the benefit through exchanging experiences with them.

8. Establishing database of the programs and degrees awarded by the Foundation to all the administrative units at the University for the possibility of pursuing the educational process.
9. Instilling awareness among faculty, staff and students of the importance of applying quality assurance systems, accreditation and consolidating information on mechanisms of quality assurance and accreditation.
10. Direct communication and coordination with the center for Quality Assurance and accreditation of higher education institutions to follow up the internal audit and of all types of accreditation.

11. Dissemination of quality culture, continuous development, evaluation, provision of guidance and technical and training assistance.
12. Organizing conferences and workshops for quality assurance activities.
13. Effective participation in international conferences, local and regional workshops.